Thursday, October 11, 2012

Embracing My Soulful Beautiful Self

I can say that it has taken me all my life to get to this point. This place of really living and feeling into my fullness. I have spent so many years filled with self-doubt and fear, hesitating and procrastinating every step of the way.  I have come to a place where I want to share how I have transformed myself into my own Health and Healing Artist. It wasn't long ago that I was 75 pounds overweight, feeling less than, and giving away my power every chance I got. I beat myself up for every bite I ate, berating myself for not looking a certain way, and hating my body for not being perfect.

It was only when I faced my emotional pain, through my art and spirituality, that I began to see myself as part of the Divine. I began to swath myself with loving kindness in spite of all my perceived imperfections. I began holding myself with respect, changing the way I spoke, and breaking negative thought patterns. I became conscious of the food I ate and how I ate it. I stretched and strengthened my physical body and healed myself from the inside out and outside in.

This blog is my next step. It is a place for me to share with you my experiences along my journey, what inspires me and keeps me motivated. It will be a place where I can share with you my creative dreams and specifically how I am embracing my new life by taking action on my heart's mission to help other women and girls celebrate the magnificence of their Soulful Beautiful Selves.